Judge Fudge

Wichita Falls Police Officers Association Endorses Judge Fudge

December 21, 2009 - "The Wichita Falls Police Officers Association would like to announce, that by unanimous vote of our Board of Directors, we are publically endorsing Judge Barney Fudge for 78th District Court seat.

"Judge Fudge was appointed by Governor Rick Perry to replace Judge Roy Sparkman when he left the bench to pursue other career options. As a District Court Judge, Judge Fudge has earned our respect for his fairness, preparation and court management skills. His commitment to public service is unquestionable, as reflected by the number of civic organizations and activities he is involved with."


Burkburnett Police Association Endorses Judge Fudge

January 29, 2010 - The Burkburnett Police Association proudly announces its public endorsement of incumbent Judge Barney Fudge for 78th District Court seat.

As police officers, we work daily to enforce the law and make our community a safer place to live. We are on the frontline of the justice system. Public trust and confidence is essential to our Police Department. Without it, we couldn’t do our job.

Judges are at the other end of the justice system. For those who have broken the law, it’s our job to get them into the system. If they find themselves in court, it’s a judge’s job to make sure they receive a fair trial.

We believe the people of Wichita County can trust Judge Fudge to make fair and impartial decisions. He represents our local community values. He knows the law, he’s a man of integrity and he has done a good job.

We have carefully considered both candidates. We believe Judge Fudge is the best choice for the people of Wichita County. He has our 100% endorsement.

The Electra Chief of Police

Electra Chief of Police
Iowa Park Police Association

Iowa Police Association


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