Wichita Falls Police Officers Association Endorses Judge Fudge
December 21, 2009 - The Wichita Falls Police Officers Association announced their endorsement today for Judge Barney Fudge. Judge Fudge was appointed by Governor Rick Perry to replace Judge Roy Sparkman when he left the position back in July. Dale Rosedale with the association said they've liked what they've seen so far.
"Judge Fudge came to us and asked for us for support and after we talked it over among the board we made a decision that everyone was unanimous to support him." Rosedale said. "We liked what we've seen in the little bit he's been there." (kauz.com)
January 6, 2010 - Times Record News: March 2 primaries candidates.
December 22, 2009 - Times Record News: Candidates Line Up to Run.
December 11, 2009 - Times Record News: Appointed Judge to Seek Re-election. Fudge to run for 78th District Court.
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