
Lean Healthcare Training & Implementation

Implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout an organization’s core business operations in order to achieve early benefits and full sustainability will involve focusing on each of the ten input factors in the dual Input Process Output (IPO) diagram shown below:


Lean Healthcare Implimentation

Phase One - Intialization

The Initialization Phase assumes that the business chief executive understands the nature of Lean Six Sigma and how its implementation will effectively influence the business’’ core measures and scorecards. With the chief executive’’s blessing to proceed, identify a corporate level deployment leader who will directly report to the executive. Next, develop a series of policies, guidelines and rules with the involvement of the deployment leader, a steering committee and selected number of corporate functions which will include the finance, human resourßces, quality, sales, marketing, supply chain, communications etc.

Phase Two - Execution

Once the initialization phase is completed, the organization should next select the right full time employees, initial projects and training program. Each project selected must vividly address one or more business goals in order to contribute to one or more business core measures. Each project must be completed within three to four months; in other words, proper upfront scoping will be essential. The selected projects must be continually tracked and updated for line management during existing business reviews.

Phase Three - Implementation

Once the initialization phase is completed, the organization should next select the right full time employees, initial projects and training program. Each project selected must vividly address one or more business goals in order to contribute to one or more business core measures. Each project must be completed within three to four months; in other words, proper upfront scoping will be essential. The selected projects must be continually tracked and updated for line management during existing business reviews.

As projects end and new projects are commissioned, an objective vs. anecdotal assessment of benefits is recommended to:

Ensure that the key elements of the organization’’s Lean Six Sigma implementation plan are occurring in a timely manner. Address any gaps in performance to ensure timely benefits are realized. Promote knowledge, discipline, accountability and alignment of management. Promote early self sustainability.

Follow on assessments are recommended and should be performed twice per year until full self sustainability is achieved.

Using the three phased implementation approach summarized above, MBE Dynamic Healthcare Services has the passion, expertise and enthusiasm to assist organizations within industry, government and academia in the full implementation of Lean Six Sigma. Annual benefits of 2% of revenue or more, coupled with early self sustainability, will be realized if a tailored approach described above is selected by the executive with MBE as the deployment partner.


Lean Six Sigma Initialization is an up front activities prior to launching Lean Six Sigma. It evaluates and prepares an organization for the deployment and implementation of Lean Six Sigma. Some of the activities to be accomplished in this process include:

  • Initial goal setting of financial results
  • Apportion goals to the various business units
  • Develop guidelines for hard and soft savings
  • Develop process for removing savings from budgets
  • Identify finance personnel who will support the project teams
  • Develop process for project nomination, prioritization, and selection
  • Decide on Champion/Black Belt/Green Belt model and terminology
  • Estimate initial training needs for the entire business units
  • Complete Year One Deployment Plan
  • Address action plan to control 11 key indicator variables for success
  • Establish plan for PTA/client interactions to manage the plan
  • Plan to communicate intent to all employees