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Save money and reduce C02 emissions with video conferencing! Use the calculator below to estimate financial and environmental savings.

According to the World Wildlife Fund Substituting 30% air travel with video reduces 33 million tons of CO2 emissions annually.

Travel cost

Travel cost: $
Passengers: X
Total Cost: $

Accommodation cost

Room cost per night: $
Number of rooms: X
Number of nights: X
Total cost: $

CO2 emissions

Petrol car*: miles
Diesel car*: miles
Rail travel: miles
Long-haul air travel
(300 miles +):
Short-haul air travel: miles
  Source: Defra 2005 and National
  Atmospheric Emissions Inventory 2003.

  * Average CO2 emission for modes
  of transport.


Type of conferencing:
Conferencing cost: $
Trip cost: $
Total savings:
Total kg CO2 saved:

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